Click on this image to visit him.

FPR Blog 23: Monsanto has to be exposed. Part 1 No More GMO!

There's a lot of talk about organic, gluten free, sprayed agriculture and killer seeds.

Unfortunately not enough talk about Monsanto and GMOs. There's no mainstream coverage on the corporation and the chemicals they put in our food.

Before I go any further, let me just give you a little information about Monsanto.

The Monsanto Company is a publicly traded American multinational agrochemical and agricultural biotechnology corporation. Those words should not be in the same sentence... Chemicals and agriculture, aka Agrochemical, does not sound healthy to me.

FPR Blog 22: The Confederate Flag vs 50 stars and 13 bars.

So it's been reported that the federal government has told chain stores that they want them to stop selling the confederate flag.

I didn't know the government can just tell a store what they can or can't sell, but it's not like they're demanding ice cream be abolished.

I don't have mixed views on the issue of the confederate flag. To me, it's a symbol of hate, but to others it represents what they believe America should be like.

I don't agree with how confederates would run this country and let's pray that day never comes. But, I do believe they have the right to speak and express their beliefs.

FPR Blog 21: We Will Win the War on Us, non-violently. Example, Supreme Court's Ruling on Gay Marriage.

There is no "what now?"... The fight for "legal" equality for gays is over. Other than appeals and people's own issues with sex, the battle has been won.

My argument was never, 'people are people and all should be free to do what they wish as long as it hurts no one'. That shouldn't need to be said.

My argument was the farce that was "the sanctity of marriage". j-lo can marry 3 times in as many years. (I don't know how many years, but I don't care. I know all, but one were short lived) There was no outcry. Spears gets married twice, one of which lasted 30 days. All we got there was gossip...

The divorce rate is through the roof and that's just in marriages ending in 5 years. Again, not much is said, but Us weekly and TMZ make a fortune.

Two dudes want to get married and the entire country has an opinion, many of which were negative.

FPR Blog 20: Uh Oh, more leaks out of the National Security Agency...

Wikileaks wrote a press release on Tuesday, June 23, 2015, where it says WikiLeaks has begun publishing a collection of top secret intelligence reports and technical documents from the US National Security Agency.

These documents concern, targeting and signals intelligence intercepts of communications of high-level officials from successive French governments over the last ten years.

FPR Blog 19: An Unlikely Ally in the Fight Against the War on Drugs.

If you were a listener and reader of my previous, decade-long project, 'fjs radio', then you know how I feel about the war on drugs.

If you weren't and don't know, I'm not a fan.

Every year the war on drugs cost taxpayers, both state and federal, billions of dollars.

That is not an exaggeration...

There's a great website, Drug Sense, ( and the site has a clock that goes up by the second. It estimates that we've already spent $19 billion and it is still counting. The states spent more than the federal government by $5 billion.

FPR Blog 18: U.S.'s Neglected Security Systems. We are Vulnerable.

On Tuesday June 16, 2015, the Associated Press reported that, 'Democrats and Republicans on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee spoke in unison to describe their outrage over what they called gross negligence by the Office of Personnel Management'.

The agency's data was breached last year in two massive cyber attacks only recently revealed.

I understand the government can't tell us everything. There are things they have to hold on to for a while and some stuff they hope will never come out.

FPR Blog 17: Charleston Shooting; Act of a Madman, Not a Gun Issue. UPDATED Jon Stewart.

By now most of you reading this know what happened in Charleston, NC on Wednesday night June 17, 2015.

A gunman, 21-year-old Dylan Roof walked into Emanuel African Episcopal Church during a weekly bible study meeting, sat down for approximately one hour, then stood up and started shooting.

The group consisted of 12 members, 9 of which were killed, including the church's leader, Reverend Clementa Pinckney.

I checked out his Facebook profile, his pic has him sporting a jacket with patches of apartheid-era South Africa and the unrecognized, white state of Rhodesia. These are both symbols of white supremacy...

He has many friends on his Facebook page, some of which are black. Some of them are posting what they know about the shooting and I saw 2 people talking about recognizing his car.

Some of his Facebook friends appear to be classmates.

FPR Blog 16: Dad is going to jail for killing the DOG that was killing his daughter!

This kind of stuff blows my mind...

I wrote a blog a couple of weeks ago, where during a rant on child protective services, I said we care more about our pets than we do our children.

This is exactly the kind of crap I'm talking about.

Let's put the fact that this guy is a convicted felon right on the table. I don't want that getting thrown at me in the F.U. comments I'll receive for this.

From what I understand he was convicted of a non-violent crime. It was a felony and he was not allowed to own or fire a gun.

I've searched around online for a record, but none of the news outlets covering it has mentioned what he was convicted for.

Anyway, whatever it was the law is the law...

FPR Blog 15:Imprisoned for doing the right thing, while the criminal elite live free. RELEASE Jeremy Hammond NOW!

There's a huge story that's been a quiet force for a few years now, but I don't see any of it covered in the news.

The media is far too busy with elections, wars, and riots to report on a group of people who's hearts and brains are bigger than the government that is trying to destroy them.

Even if the networks did report on these brave few, most people are more interested in the "new style" hats that Pharrell made famous by wearing on the red carpet and cost about a thousand dollars.

I just happened to see a sap, who was so easily manipulated by the pop culture propagandists, wearing one on Sunday.

There he is sitting INSIDE a restaurant wearing what looks to me like a Canadian Mountie Hat. (Those ridiculous hats that Canadian Mountain police wear.) I look over at a friend and ask, have you seen the dude with the hat? He replied, "oh yeah that's the new style." "I was gonna get one, but they cost a thousand dollars". "I just have to save up for it".

I was in awe.

FPR Blog 14: Millions on Negative Ads, The FCC and the US Army Hack.

I thought the first thing I was going to address was the Army hack because it seemed more important. But, then I stumbled on what would be my 3rd story.

To be honest, it's so gross that I have to lead with it...

The headline reads...

White House race has already sparked $1 million in negative ads. 

This election isn't till November; 2016 that is.

I understand there's a nomination process and the machine has to crush the few honest politicians taking a shot. But, do we really need to be bombarded with fake news about this race from now till election day?

Many believe that the presidential elections are rigged. In a way, many are right. National elections aren't rigged by way of corrupted machines or adding a zero to the final tally.

The presidential election is rigged by way of mind manipulation.

FPR Blog 13: The Man Screwing Up the State I Love.

I am proud of my home state of New Jersey... I was born in Weehawken. Just 6 blocks from the house I grew up in, on 37th street between Park Ave and Hudson, in Union City, N.J.

Growing up, everybody used to say they hated Hudson County. Four cities, four towns, two townships and one borough make up the hated region.

I never felt that way, though...

Everyone imagined living in the city (Manhattan, N.Y.) and though I continue to spend a lot of time there, the best part of that island is the fact that I can get off of it.

I love New Jersey. I've lived in many parts of this historic state. The third in the Union, I might add.

I don't mind paying her highway tolls or abiding by her laws.

I don't mind paying my FAIR share of taxes to keep the state afloat. I go to the parks here. I drive an hour out of my way to ride my bike here. I even vacation here.

So there is no question, I love my home state.

However, I may not adore every single part of its governing... But, I respect it and I more than respect the civil servants who teach our kids, keep our neighborhoods safe and our streets clean.

FPR Writing Team: Introducing; Poet, Yvonne Sotomayor... 'D-CENTRIFUGE'

Cracked and slivered faith

Shattered and glistens all silver pieces

Slow-motioned and fragile piercing through all

Cutting and bleeding emotions leak through

Dampened and cold—shivering and solo

I stand naked, raw, and alone

Christ-like my hands rise with the moon

Cooled, pale, skin ripples thru the dusk

As all the tiny pieces find their way and their mark

They lodge and they burn and keep me safe

But the scars that remain forever and all

Exclude the good also I have come to learn

And so I stand bare with my scarred cold skin

Wondering when I’ll let you in...

Artist Biography:

FPR Blog 12: 3 Important Stories Involving, HAARP, The DEA and FBI.

Hey faithful, I don't have a lot of time online today. I have about 30 minutes to put this blog up.

(Please excuse any mis-spells or awful sentence structure /':)

This has been a crazy week for Government, Political & legal issues, but most of us don't know that because we spent it on Caitlyn Jenner.

During Bruce Jenner's brilliant P.R. coming out move, the Senate passed and the president signed the USA Freedom Act, which makes section 215 of the Patriot Act seem like a parking ticket.

I'll get into that on my next few blogs...

Just as important were three other stories, one having to do with a theory almost every non-believer discredits as stupid.

FPR Blog 11: Media Monopoly; Consolidating to Control.

Main Source: Public

It's funny that this article should come out now. I've been researching online for weeks on a story I'm doing on the mainstream media and it's corruption by way of corporations.

I take a break from writing a few hours a day to look for electronic music to play on the stream. I like to visit my favorite sites for information while I do this..

Public Integrity is one of those websites.

They published a story on Tuesday, June 1, 2015, on a cable merger which would allow for an enormous cable company, to buy out another enormous cable company.

FPR Blog 10: How and Where I learned that Israel Should be Dismantled.

I'm in New York City, driving in an out of no where rain storm... It's flooding the streets with every passing minute. I'm thinking of getting off the road I'm on because it's a parking lot. I look to my left to go down 54th street from 12th avenue and I see a police van with the its lights flashing.

I'm thinking the street is closed, but as I start to turn my wheel to the right, I see a sign on a van that reads, "Jews Against Zionism".

I quickly look for my camera and just as quickly remember that I left my bag with my electronics at home.

I reach for my crappy iPhone 4. I am now on the west side highway with my hazards on, in a blinding rain storm, waiting for the cam app to finally let me take a pic.

Thank the stars it was like a train of vans with signs because it took forever to get a pic off.

So I'm snapping away and I see that the street is open and that the police van is on the sidewalk. I see a demonstration of what appears to be Hasidim Jews with the same Anti-Zionist/Anti-Israel signs.

I'd never done what I'm about to tell you and I don't know what came over me. It was a dangerous and stupid move, but I'm glad I did.

I popped a u-turn and illegally parked in front of cops.

FPR Blog 9: NSA Bulk Collection provision expires.Updated 6.1.15 Huge dent in the Patriot Act.

{{{Update}}} Tuesday June 1, 2015.

So the senate let it die, a slow death...

I guess a loss for the GOP would have been too hard to swallow. So, screw it, don't have the vote. Don't show Americans that you guys can agree on something very important.

Something the president said he would sign...

This would have been one of those  moments where, 'We The People' could have said, "wow, they actually agreed on something right for us".

Maybe the vote would have been to close and somebody didn't want to risk it.

Maybe they didn't want to look like the oppressors they are.

Who knows, but after that leak, this should not have been a hard problem to solve.

There should have been a cease and desist order on all tapping. (Below is some information on a court ruling that appealed Section 215 of the Patriot Act.)

FPR Blog 8: You may want to know these 5 Surveillance Sites (AnonOp)

AnonHQ is reporting that there are five surveillance sites you need to be aware of...

The article goes into full detail on the surveillance sites and the type of system we're dealing with.

For instance, in the movie 'Minority Report' the main character walks into a store and is immediately recognized through retinal recognition software.

Anon HQ explains a similar type of software being used by retailers. As well as infrastructure systems and an entire city...

Number 1.

Shopper Tracking. (I'm calling it this because they didn't give the first one a name /':...)

"Tracking shoppers to gather information about target markets is becoming a reality in our tech-savvy world. Shopperception is a company which is offering large retailers like Walmart, motion-sensor cameras which can be deployed in places such as the eyes of mannequins. Along with this technology comes facial recognition software, that enables marketing strategists to assess how long it takes for you to make the decision to buy or not"...

You tell people this and they act like they know...

"Oh yeah, please, that's been happening forever".

Actually, no it hasn't. It's only now happening because of our reckless spending and lack of self-control.

Our technological age is being wasted on gadgets and monitoring. Due, in part of our need, to have as much as we can.

The more debt 'they' let us accumulate the more we're willing to give them all of our information.

"Want no interest for a year? Allow us to do a DNA swab and fill out this entire 20-page form, then stand in line for your eye to get LAYERED".

FPR Blog 7: How Do We Justify This One, Officer?

Ok, so let's hear the reasoning behind this one officer...

I'm so tired of cops finding a reason for another cop's bad acts.

Not one I come across can admit when one of their own was just WRONG!

I love cops, we need them and I respect them. But, this is not proper police conduct. This isn't even abuse of power.

I can't even call it senseless because that would mean these cops weren't thinking. They would need a brain to not think.

These cops shouldn't be allowed to wear a badge, let alone carry a gun.

FPR Blog 6: Crimes Against Humanity; Exposing Child Protective Services.

There are so many issues being debated these days, that it's hard to keep track of all of them.

We know of the really stupid, popular ones and a couple that could be important, but we don't really know what's what, because the media doesn't cover anything other than what will get them ratings..

They show us disasters and riots because "they care". They cover round the clock stories about a lion being killed in Africa because "they care". The truth is, nothing sells commercials like misery and sorrow, sprinkled with a creature feature and all ending with hope and more war.

There's one issue that should be at the top of the list, but these days headlines are reserved for lions and blowhards.

I'm talking about the ones who's job it is to protect parentless kids. Child Protective Services gets to play judge, jury and executioner with children's lives, but who's judging them?

I would think people would be outraged with the way these "throw away" kids are treated, but there's something more important to them than at risk kids...


FPR Blog 5: A Subconscious War. Battlefield; Cyberspace.

I've said before that I support whistle-blowers and hacktivists, as long as they're fighting injustice. Exposing abuse of power, corruption and so much more sinister stuff. How can you not support these brave souls? They live in complete secrecy.

They sacrifice themselves and all, but one keep their mouth shut and do their 3 to 10, to even a 105-year prison term.

This is not for breaking laws, but exposing flaws and corruption at every level.

I know that there are very important laws for treason, but exposing the violation of those laws by governments and corporations is just as important as maintaining them.

I can't sit quietly while the people we trust to protect us are hurting us.

FPR Blog 4: The leaders cave to the masses. House Votes to End NSA’s Bulk Collection program.

It seems like everyone I speak to about issues of government, corporate corruption, mass surveillance & the private intelligence companies is interested in what's going on. But, immediately following their curiosity, they remind me that we're trapped. "That's the world today, there's no escaping it". "How else will they catch terrorists". "I don't do anything illegal so they can look at my emails all they want. I have nothing to hide".

It pains me to hear so many people sound so programmed...

There aren't too many people that believe this country can change for the better. Who can blame them? Crooked politicians, spies, and the elite get away with everything. Sure they have to pay up a little, but they never feel the consequences of their actions.

Unfortunately for us, their wrong doings fall on our laps. We the people are the ones that pay. We pay by way of taxes that fund these agencies that trample on our rights.

In essence, we are paying for our own downfall. I don't understand why most of the population is ok with this.

FPR Blog 3: False leaders & their followers.

I've always asked myself; Why aren't there honest people running for president?
I then began to realize, It's not that we don't have honest and good 'career politicians' running for the oval office because we do. It's because the media doesn't give them ANY airtime. Some networks or news shows that have debates and discussions don't invite certain candidates. If they are invited, they don't get many questions directed to them.

It's not in the news networks' best interest to give airtime to a politician who's policies can jeopardize the corporate company that owns said network. Nor let slip away the corporations that pay millions of dollars for advertising airtime.

FPR Blog 2: NBC Alters story of news team kidnapping in Syria.

Hey truth seekers, here's another unbelievable, but conceivable mainstream media cover up...

This has nothing to do with Brian Williams mistaking a tree for a dead body or not knowing the exact distance of where a bomb went off.

That's what I think happened there...

Actually let me take a minute to tell you the difference between what Williams did and what I'm about to tell you the network that fired him pulled, which, by the way, is disgusting compared to Williams' issue.

Brian Williams, an aging desk anchor felt like getting his hands dirty like the old days. He wasn't going to actually get near death, but he wanted to seem like he still had it. Stupid, but not sinister.

FPR Blog 1: There is no Freedom without Privacy

In the 70s, 80s and 90s the main issues were civil rights, AIDS & Roe V Wade. In the last decade & for the next, 'however many' years following, the issues will be privacy, profiling & gay marriage.

I'll never get my head around gay marriage opposition. I get the religious argument. I even get the traditional, "old way of thinking" crap, but what I can't understand is how any of that relates to law.

The constitution is constantly trampled on for so many inconceivable reasons, that I can't accept a constitutional debate on the issue. This should not be an issue at all.

If the argument can be made that it should and could be legal for same-sex couples to marry, then that is the end of the issue.

Think of abortion. Religiously, irreprehensible. Constitutionally, legal. End of story.