Click on this image to visit him.

FPR Blog 39: Your Boss's Salary, The Clinton/Sanders Show + Russia & China Join Forces

Comparing the boss's salary to the staff's pay.

Sorry to have made this the first story on a Monday because it might make you angry, but maybe you should be.

Companies argue that paying employees more would hurt them and they would have to cut hours and jobs to stay alive.

I've felt this experience before. I will be feeling it again with certain laws that will be going into effect soon.

FPR Blog 38: Secret Catholic Suicide, Planned Parenthood & The AP used by FBI for false flag op.

Jozef Wesolowski, a papal ambassador who was on trial for child abuse charges has died early Friday morning, August 28, 2015.

This was most certainly one of those "he got away with it" moments. Sure he's dead, but this man deserved far worse. If he was guilty of course. A jury of his peers never got to decide if he, in fact, was guilty of abusing a child.

FPR Blog 37: Armed Police Drones, Laser weapons and Kraft Food Recall

North Dakota has legalized Armed Police Drones

After a law passed earlier in the year, Noth Dakota has become the first state to legalize armed drones.

I didn't even think drones were an issue yet and North Dakota has unmanned flying weapons of destruction.

Well, let's not go too far. One man stood in the way of the state wanting to go full force with this plan.

FPR Blog 36:The Trump Phenomenon. A Bad Joke Turned Scary Possibility.

I didn't see it before. I couldn't imagine it. I thought for sure this would be over after that debate. I even for a minute or two considered the fact that he may be a shill for Hillary. But, now Trump is starting to scare me.

Political talk shows and "serious" news networks are giving presidential candidate Donald Trump a lot of air time. The political talking heads that made fun at first are now speaking positively about him.

Trump has even gained the support of the GOP's bitter heart, Ann Coulter. She recently spoke at a Trump event and threw the republican leadership under the bus. She actually said she sees hope for America now.

FPR Blog 35: Cheating, Privacy and No Security. Ashley Madison Hack Hurt the Wrong People.

Many of you may know my views on privacy and personal issues. If you followed me through the Fjs years you know me well than most.

The first blog I wrote for this website was on privacy, but it was aimed at the government and it celebrated hackers.

Let me be crystal clear, I support 'HACKTIVISTS', not hackers.

I have this thing about me that I don't like judging people for how they live, what one believes in and stands for or what they do for a living...

For instance, I don't judge anyone for how they make their money. As long as innocence remains off limits and protected, I don't care how anyone pays their rent.

So, if you sell drugs, as long as it's to adults, then that's fine. If you're a hit man, that's great, just stick to your targets. And the same goes for you hackers.

If you want to rob banks, ripoff Fortune 500 companies and make it so you never have to pay for a phone call ever again, I say great. All I ask is that you leave the innocent alone.

I also believe that to be true when exposing hypocritical lawmakers, corrupt politicians, Scientologists and anyone who seems above the law or above we the 99 percent. The Ashley Madison hack were none of those...

FPR Blog 34: Greed = Dictatorship. I see Hope in the Pope.

The pope recently visited Bolivia for a meeting with grassroots activists in Santa Cruz and Bolivian President Evo Morales.

What he goes on to say is remarkable in its honesty and bravery.

FPR Blog 33: Own a Mac then read this because you're vulnerable.

NO SAY IT AIN'T SO. I don't want to believe it, but I have always wondered how.

Macs do not, I repeat do not get viruses. I have all sorts of computers and anything PC I keep offline. Part of my project's (fpr) work is done offline.

In my personal experience, PCs are better offline computers. Computers you would use for editing audio, video, writing and anything else you don't need to be online for and at the same time want complete security. Maybe I'm paranoid, but the only way I feel my files are completely secure is when they're stored offline. I do not trust this cloud thing.

I recommend carrying a small flash drive. I use a couple 64-gigabyte drives for my chrome.

FPR Blog 32: Black Lives Matter Movement is an Angry Circus.

Black Lives Matter activists crashed presidential candidate and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders' rally in Seattle. Two black women appeared out of nowhere right when Sanders greeted the crowd.

They walked right up to the podium and demanded they be given the microphone. They were told they could have it after Sanders spoke. The women were noncompliant and began to scream in anger with obscenities. They did not stop until they were given that microphone.

After that, they spewed a myriad of racial rhetoric. They called the entire crowd white supremacists and racists. Then they demanded the crowd be silent for four-plus minutes in "honor" of Michael Brown...

"You are never going to hear Bernie speak if I don't hear silence now".

The two women are Marissa Johnson and Mara Jacqueline Willaford and they are the co-founders of the Seattle chapter of Black Lives Matter (BLM). And, apparently they don't research the people they attack.

FPR Blog 31: Exposing 2016 presidential candidates. Scott Walker.

Wisconsin: Lobbyists get a $250 Million Subsidy for a New Milwaukee Bucks' Arena. 

On Wednesday, July 15, 2015, Wisconsin State Senators worked out a bipartisan deal to approve a $250 million subsidy for a new NBA arena. Only 10 out of the 31 senators voted no. The measure still had to pass the assembly and be signed by the Governor, presidential candidate Scott Walker.

It passed the assembly 52-34 on Tuesday, July 28, 2015, and Governor Walker signed it the following week on August 11, 2015.

The plan will preserve Milwaukee's stake in the NBA, but it comes at a cost that the state's residents will have to pay. The subsidy is for $250 million, but will rise to $400 million after interest over the next 20 years.

FPR Blog 30: Corporate Fascism; The Citizens & System which Supports it.

I'm sorry if that headline seemed douchey, but it's kind of true.

Every single gadget I own was made off the backs of children in 'slave wage' countries.

This is Corporate Fascism through mass force, unlawful means and manipulation.

Corporations are working together to rig pricing and are using children in third world countries to make the toys, gadgets, computers, cars and every other thing we buy.

You need a computer, you have just contributed to child slavery no matter the brand you buy.

FPR Blog 29: The War For Our Freedom is On! Infrastructure Hacks are just the Beginning.

Yesterday July 8, 2015, massive computer problems shook a few institutions, but the mainstream media is staying far away...

As soon as I woke up this morning, my wife had asked if I had heard anything earlier in the morning when I was still awake from the night before. She said a friend had posted a link to a Gawker article that read, "it's time to panic".

I looked it over, then went surfing the net to see if I would find any other sources. Not even the anonymous twitter contacts are saying anything about it. Outside of the "cryptic" NYSE tweet from two days ago, I see nothing on this.

FPR Blog 28: NYSE Shut Down. Hack or Glitch, or Hack?

I had completely unplugged as of last night at 7:30 Pm, my body shut down and I fell in deep sleep and stayed that way till 1 PM today. (7.7.15-7.8.15)

However, I was constantly bothered by my phone going off like every 5 minutes as of 10 AM.

When I finally plugged in I saw what had happened.

As a follower of @youranonnews, I often see them on the thread but didn't notice the "you about to get got" tweet.

Anyway, by now most know that NY trading was suspended around 11:30 a.m. Wednesday due to what they called a "technical issue," which, funny enough they posted on twitter.

FPR Blog 27: Exposing The GMO Trade. Pesticides and Factory Farms.

There is more information about GMOs on the net than porn...

Well, maybe not more than porn, but there is more info on GMOs out now than ever before. Celebrities have even gotten behind the anti-GMO movement. Using their fortune, fame and influence some have even made it up to capitol hill.

So why isn't the media covering it?

FPR Blog 26: Major Government Contracted Spying Service Hacked. 400GB of Data Stolen

Another hack on the enemy...

Huge Italian private surveillance company, who deals in and with shady business, has been hacked.

'Hacking Team', is a private surveillance company who many governments, including ours (U.S.A.) buy intrusion and surveillance tools from.

Basically, they rent out hackers and spying tools.

In the United States, law enforcement agencies FBI, DEA and the DOD use the tools. Sorry, the DOD account reads 'Non-Active'.

FPR Blog 25: GMO Exposed part 3. McDonald's and Diet Coke, Finally Feeling Our Fight..

Coke's sales perked up in the first quarter and profits beat forecasts. But sales of one of its most iconic products -- Diet Coke -- are plunging.

Coke said in its earnings release that Diet Coke volume fell 6% globally last quarter.

Diet beverages have come under more scrutiny in the past few years. There have been many reports about how zero- and low-calorie beverages with artificial sweeteners aren't really that healthy.

The word is spreading and the message is clear. Little by little we're finding out more and more about fast food chains, natural vs organic and genetically modified organisms.

FPR Blog 24: Monsanto Has To Be Exposed. Part 2 GMO Alert!

I said I would continue to write about Monsanto, but even I have to admit, I didn't think I'd start writing part 2 on the same day.

I've been at my workstation, which is like 3 feet from the broadcast console. Yea, yea, I don't have a budget. Never really cared about money.

I'm in the process of programming the station and I like to research and sometimes write while I do this.

It's a lot of instrumental electronic music so I'm not distracted by much singing...

So, I started running a search for products with GMOs, just to see how much information would pop up... Monsanto has like half the page of results, and they're telling the "truth" about GMOs.

FPR Blog 23: Monsanto has to be exposed. Part 1 No More GMO!

There's a lot of talk about organic, gluten free, sprayed agriculture and killer seeds.

Unfortunately not enough talk about Monsanto and GMOs. There's no mainstream coverage on the corporation and the chemicals they put in our food.

Before I go any further, let me just give you a little information about Monsanto.

The Monsanto Company is a publicly traded American multinational agrochemical and agricultural biotechnology corporation. Those words should not be in the same sentence... Chemicals and agriculture, aka Agrochemical, does not sound healthy to me.

FPR Blog 22: The Confederate Flag vs 50 stars and 13 bars.

So it's been reported that the federal government has told chain stores that they want them to stop selling the confederate flag.

I didn't know the government can just tell a store what they can or can't sell, but it's not like they're demanding ice cream be abolished.

I don't have mixed views on the issue of the confederate flag. To me, it's a symbol of hate, but to others it represents what they believe America should be like.

I don't agree with how confederates would run this country and let's pray that day never comes. But, I do believe they have the right to speak and express their beliefs.

FPR Blog 21: We Will Win the War on Us, non-violently. Example, Supreme Court's Ruling on Gay Marriage.

There is no "what now?"... The fight for "legal" equality for gays is over. Other than appeals and people's own issues with sex, the battle has been won.

My argument was never, 'people are people and all should be free to do what they wish as long as it hurts no one'. That shouldn't need to be said.

My argument was the farce that was "the sanctity of marriage". j-lo can marry 3 times in as many years. (I don't know how many years, but I don't care. I know all, but one were short lived) There was no outcry. Spears gets married twice, one of which lasted 30 days. All we got there was gossip...

The divorce rate is through the roof and that's just in marriages ending in 5 years. Again, not much is said, but Us weekly and TMZ make a fortune.

Two dudes want to get married and the entire country has an opinion, many of which were negative.

FPR Blog 20: Uh Oh, more leaks out of the National Security Agency...

Wikileaks wrote a press release on Tuesday, June 23, 2015, where it says WikiLeaks has begun publishing a collection of top secret intelligence reports and technical documents from the US National Security Agency.

These documents concern, targeting and signals intelligence intercepts of communications of high-level officials from successive French governments over the last ten years.

FPR Blog 19: An Unlikely Ally in the Fight Against the War on Drugs.

If you were a listener and reader of my previous, decade-long project, 'fjs radio', then you know how I feel about the war on drugs.

If you weren't and don't know, I'm not a fan.

Every year the war on drugs cost taxpayers, both state and federal, billions of dollars.

That is not an exaggeration...

There's a great website, Drug Sense, ( and the site has a clock that goes up by the second. It estimates that we've already spent $19 billion and it is still counting. The states spent more than the federal government by $5 billion.

FPR Blog 18: U.S.'s Neglected Security Systems. We are Vulnerable.

On Tuesday June 16, 2015, the Associated Press reported that, 'Democrats and Republicans on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee spoke in unison to describe their outrage over what they called gross negligence by the Office of Personnel Management'.

The agency's data was breached last year in two massive cyber attacks only recently revealed.

I understand the government can't tell us everything. There are things they have to hold on to for a while and some stuff they hope will never come out.

FPR Blog 17: Charleston Shooting; Act of a Madman, Not a Gun Issue. UPDATED Jon Stewart.

By now most of you reading this know what happened in Charleston, NC on Wednesday night June 17, 2015.

A gunman, 21-year-old Dylan Roof walked into Emanuel African Episcopal Church during a weekly bible study meeting, sat down for approximately one hour, then stood up and started shooting.

The group consisted of 12 members, 9 of which were killed, including the church's leader, Reverend Clementa Pinckney.

I checked out his Facebook profile, his pic has him sporting a jacket with patches of apartheid-era South Africa and the unrecognized, white state of Rhodesia. These are both symbols of white supremacy...

He has many friends on his Facebook page, some of which are black. Some of them are posting what they know about the shooting and I saw 2 people talking about recognizing his car.

Some of his Facebook friends appear to be classmates.

FPR Blog 16: Dad is going to jail for killing the DOG that was killing his daughter!

This kind of stuff blows my mind...

I wrote a blog a couple of weeks ago, where during a rant on child protective services, I said we care more about our pets than we do our children.

This is exactly the kind of crap I'm talking about.

Let's put the fact that this guy is a convicted felon right on the table. I don't want that getting thrown at me in the F.U. comments I'll receive for this.

From what I understand he was convicted of a non-violent crime. It was a felony and he was not allowed to own or fire a gun.

I've searched around online for a record, but none of the news outlets covering it has mentioned what he was convicted for.

Anyway, whatever it was the law is the law...

FPR Blog 15:Imprisoned for doing the right thing, while the criminal elite live free. RELEASE Jeremy Hammond NOW!

There's a huge story that's been a quiet force for a few years now, but I don't see any of it covered in the news.

The media is far too busy with elections, wars, and riots to report on a group of people who's hearts and brains are bigger than the government that is trying to destroy them.

Even if the networks did report on these brave few, most people are more interested in the "new style" hats that Pharrell made famous by wearing on the red carpet and cost about a thousand dollars.

I just happened to see a sap, who was so easily manipulated by the pop culture propagandists, wearing one on Sunday.

There he is sitting INSIDE a restaurant wearing what looks to me like a Canadian Mountie Hat. (Those ridiculous hats that Canadian Mountain police wear.) I look over at a friend and ask, have you seen the dude with the hat? He replied, "oh yeah that's the new style." "I was gonna get one, but they cost a thousand dollars". "I just have to save up for it".

I was in awe.