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FPR Blog 102: The Fall of facebook... Hopefully.


The relationship killer. 

Facebook is just like fentanyl. 

It's not conducive to a healthy mind, body and spirit.

Remember when facebook first dropped?

FPR Blog 101: Over Sensitivity Equals Major Censorship.

The sensitivity level of today has spun so out of control... 

It has surpassed any scale making the meter explode into pieces.

In today’s day and age criticism, insults, content deemed offensive by the thin skinned, jokes and truth can get many people in trouble.

To be honest I’m hoping to gain a little heat for my actions and content. 

Maybe someone will take notice by offense and the site will be famous by obliterating it from the internet. 

Cross fingers fellas and lady Hellas.

FPR Blog 100: Agenda 2030? What happen to 2021?

There a couple of cats I run ideas by before sharing them on air or writing about them on a blog…

Kenny K, resident comedian of fpr is one of them. When I ran this by him his first question was, “What the fuck happened to Agenda 21? Isn’t it only 2020”?

It was at that moment that I remembered the bullshit that was floating around called agenda 21. I also then remembered why I forgot about it…

Fpr Blog 99: Panhandling, Bad Weather and Worthless Elections.

So we got through another election... And even though I don’t care who won, lost and took back or kept both houses, I do want to touch upon a headline I came across during the election process...

The headline read, ‘For some in Florida Panhandle voting takes a back seat to hurricane hardships’.

Yea, no shit sherlock.

Did you have to work overtime to fully research the information for this story?

However, I do agree that panhandlers do make commuting uncomfortable. I want to say no because I’m broke too. But, what can you do? So you drop a buck in an overused coffee cup.