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FPR Blog 49: The Audacity of Big Banks to Demand Anything is Extraordinary.

This adds to my last piece on corporations taking the pledge to convert to sustainable energy in the coming years. But, this next piece of information I found pisses me off a bit.

It's a little hypocritical for the six biggest banks in the United States to call for government action and private business investments to address climate change.

FPR Blog 48: RE100. Corporations Pledge to do the Right Thing!?

It took a profit earning to make it happen, but more and more corporations are taking the RE100 Pledge.

The RE100 Pledge is a promise that corporations will start to use renewable energy. A couple of companies involved with the White House initiative for sustainability investment which was announced in July, include Goldman Sachs and Walmart.

Yes, I know it sounds too good to be true.

It's said they will invest $140 billion in new low-carbon investment and build more than 1,600 megawatts (MW) of new renewable energy capacity.

Nike pledged to transition to 100 percent renewable energy on Wednesday.

The announcement, made during Climate Week, is intended to show international governments that there is broad-based business support for going off fossil fuels in advance of the United Nations climate talks in December.

Goldman Sachs, Johnson & Johnson, Proctor & Gamble, Salesforce, Starbucks, Steelcase, and Voya Financial also took the RE100 pledge, organized by the Climate Group, an international sustainability non-profit.

Mark Kenber, CEO of the Climate Group, said, “Research shows that the most ambitious companies have seen a 27 percent return on their low-carbon investments." He added, “Today these companies are signaling loud and clear to COP21 negotiators that forward-thinking businesses back renewables and want to see a strong climate deal in Paris.”

Even banks are getting involved. Swiss bank UBS joined the pledge last week.

In total, 36 companies have joined RE100 since it was launched at Climate Week last year.

For now we have to rely on these company's word because the deal is non-binding, but in the pledge companies agreed to release information about their sustainability efforts.

Goldman Sachs says it will use 100 percent renewable energy by 2020. Johnson & Johnson has set a goal of 2050. Nike seeks to transition by 2025, and Voya International by 2015.

I guess we'll have to wait and see, but the fact that they even addressed the issue let alone took a pledge is remarkable. It's also paramount due to the attention these corporations get.

If the evil corporate soul eating bastards can agree that this planet is in shambles then we most likely have a serious problem. A problem that even scares them.

At the same time, it could be because they've seen a good return on their "green" investments.

Whatever the case may be, the climate issue cannot be ignored any longer.

I don't know what to say about global warming because I'm not a scientist. My issue has always been the disrespect we show mother earth.

Hopefully this pledge gets the attention we need to be influenced into treating our home a bit better.

Thanks for reading...

Spread the word, expose the truth, it's never too late.

Blog by T. Clavero for Freedom Pop RadiO


FPR Blog 47: Introducing the Evil & Greedy CEO that Raised AIDS Medication to $750.00 a Pill

Martin Shkreli is an American hedge fund manager and entrepreneur, specializing in healthcare businesses, and is a co-founder of MSMB Capital Management and the founder of Turing Pharmaceuticals AG.

He is also a co-founder and was the CEO of Retrophin LLC, a biotechnology firm founded in 2011.

FPR Blog 46: How to Sex & Watch; The Extortion App.

This story involves those ‘sick puppies’ who love porn so much they need it on their phones. They have such a need to watch sexual debauchery that an app was developed for them.

Now, I am no prude...