Click on this image to visit him.

FPR Blog 68: So we started a Sound Cloud Account. Explanation inside.

Why the hell not. It can't hurt when trying to reach new people.

Besides this gives me a great opportunity to refresh an old blog.

JUST KIDDING. Well, kind of...

Last time I did a little weak online "press release". Only press release about it was the google docs format I used to write it.

This isn't that.

It's a chance to promote what I think is a good project.

So, here goes...

By the way, this blog is for anyone who most likely have never heard of this crap.

FPR Blog 67: Living and Not Liking What You're Learning

Reality. What a kick in the balls…

I have to say, no matter how crazy it sounds, I sometimes wonder if this is all real.

Can this life really be so bleak? Is it just a sad truth that society always disappoints? Friends turn out to be anything but. Loyalty is punished not rewarded.

I still don’t want to believe it, but the learning part of living is showing me that there isn't much in the way of kindness in this society. And that begins to change you.

I’ve been trying to understand the why, but I’m asking the wrong question to something I don’t even want the answer to.

FPR Blog 66: Disappointments.

Disappointment comes in all forms.

It can come in the form of someone you trust letting you down. It can be in the form of a parent or a child. It can come from a job in the form of a boss or a co-worker.

You may think the worst is when it comes in the form of a broken heart by the one you love.

No matter what disappoints us in our life it all feels the same; pretty shitty.

The worst isn’t your love leaving you. It’s not even being let down by a parent. 

The worst disappointments for me come from me.

FPR Blog 65: Who, What and Why? Hello Friend.

It's been a long time since I've blogged. I've had what I call bloggers block. I don't consider myself a writer, so writers block doesn't apply to me.

When I started this project I didn't necessarily know what I wanted to do with it. I guess I was just being a child who couldn't let go of the blanky he's had since he was a baby.

It had been ten years of the previous project (fjs) and I had enough of it. I wasn't following up on anything. I wasn't broadcasting live anymore and I sure as hell wasn't writing.

So, when it was time to buy another decade of fjs I decided not to.

Unfortunately, I'm too crazy to sit still and not be creative. So not two days later I was birthing a new project. I knew I didn't want to do anything that involved the real world, so my only option was online radio, again.

FPR Blog 64: How do we know if we're in control?

How do we know if we're in control?

Are we just making the best of what comes at us, and that's it?

Constantly trying to pick between two shifty options.

Coke or Pepsi, McDonalds or Burger King, Hyundai or Honda.

It seems to all be the same blur. Just out of focus enough to give us the illusion of choice.