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FPR Blog 10: How and Where I learned that Israel Should be Dismantled.

I'm in New York City, driving in an out of no where rain storm... It's flooding the streets with every passing minute. I'm thinking of getting off the road I'm on because it's a parking lot. I look to my left to go down 54th street from 12th avenue and I see a police van with the its lights flashing.

I'm thinking the street is closed, but as I start to turn my wheel to the right, I see a sign on a van that reads, "Jews Against Zionism".

I quickly look for my camera and just as quickly remember that I left my bag with my electronics at home.

I reach for my crappy iPhone 4. I am now on the west side highway with my hazards on, in a blinding rain storm, waiting for the cam app to finally let me take a pic.

Thank the stars it was like a train of vans with signs because it took forever to get a pic off.

So I'm snapping away and I see that the street is open and that the police van is on the sidewalk. I see a demonstration of what appears to be Hasidim Jews with the same Anti-Zionist/Anti-Israel signs.

I'd never done what I'm about to tell you and I don't know what came over me. It was a dangerous and stupid move, but I'm glad I did.

I popped a u-turn and illegally parked in front of cops.

FPR Blog 9: NSA Bulk Collection provision expires.Updated 6.1.15 Huge dent in the Patriot Act.

{{{Update}}} Tuesday June 1, 2015.

So the senate let it die, a slow death...

I guess a loss for the GOP would have been too hard to swallow. So, screw it, don't have the vote. Don't show Americans that you guys can agree on something very important.

Something the president said he would sign...

This would have been one of those  moments where, 'We The People' could have said, "wow, they actually agreed on something right for us".

Maybe the vote would have been to close and somebody didn't want to risk it.

Maybe they didn't want to look like the oppressors they are.

Who knows, but after that leak, this should not have been a hard problem to solve.

There should have been a cease and desist order on all tapping. (Below is some information on a court ruling that appealed Section 215 of the Patriot Act.)

FPR Blog 8: You may want to know these 5 Surveillance Sites (AnonOp)

AnonHQ is reporting that there are five surveillance sites you need to be aware of...

The article goes into full detail on the surveillance sites and the type of system we're dealing with.

For instance, in the movie 'Minority Report' the main character walks into a store and is immediately recognized through retinal recognition software.

Anon HQ explains a similar type of software being used by retailers. As well as infrastructure systems and an entire city...

Number 1.

Shopper Tracking. (I'm calling it this because they didn't give the first one a name /':...)

"Tracking shoppers to gather information about target markets is becoming a reality in our tech-savvy world. Shopperception is a company which is offering large retailers like Walmart, motion-sensor cameras which can be deployed in places such as the eyes of mannequins. Along with this technology comes facial recognition software, that enables marketing strategists to assess how long it takes for you to make the decision to buy or not"...

You tell people this and they act like they know...

"Oh yeah, please, that's been happening forever".

Actually, no it hasn't. It's only now happening because of our reckless spending and lack of self-control.

Our technological age is being wasted on gadgets and monitoring. Due, in part of our need, to have as much as we can.

The more debt 'they' let us accumulate the more we're willing to give them all of our information.

"Want no interest for a year? Allow us to do a DNA swab and fill out this entire 20-page form, then stand in line for your eye to get LAYERED".