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FPR Blog 5: A Subconscious War. Battlefield; Cyberspace.

I've said before that I support whistle-blowers and hacktivists, as long as they're fighting injustice. Exposing abuse of power, corruption and so much more sinister stuff. How can you not support these brave souls? They live in complete secrecy.

They sacrifice themselves and all, but one keep their mouth shut and do their 3 to 10, to even a 105-year prison term.

This is not for breaking laws, but exposing flaws and corruption at every level.

I know that there are very important laws for treason, but exposing the violation of those laws by governments and corporations is just as important as maintaining them.

I can't sit quietly while the people we trust to protect us are hurting us.

FPR Blog 4: The leaders cave to the masses. House Votes to End NSA’s Bulk Collection program.

It seems like everyone I speak to about issues of government, corporate corruption, mass surveillance & the private intelligence companies is interested in what's going on. But, immediately following their curiosity, they remind me that we're trapped. "That's the world today, there's no escaping it". "How else will they catch terrorists". "I don't do anything illegal so they can look at my emails all they want. I have nothing to hide".

It pains me to hear so many people sound so programmed...

There aren't too many people that believe this country can change for the better. Who can blame them? Crooked politicians, spies, and the elite get away with everything. Sure they have to pay up a little, but they never feel the consequences of their actions.

Unfortunately for us, their wrong doings fall on our laps. We the people are the ones that pay. We pay by way of taxes that fund these agencies that trample on our rights.

In essence, we are paying for our own downfall. I don't understand why most of the population is ok with this.