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FPR Blog 28: NYSE Shut Down. Hack or Glitch, or Hack?

I had completely unplugged as of last night at 7:30 Pm, my body shut down and I fell in deep sleep and stayed that way till 1 PM today. (7.7.15-7.8.15)

However, I was constantly bothered by my phone going off like every 5 minutes as of 10 AM.

When I finally plugged in I saw what had happened.

As a follower of @youranonnews, I often see them on the thread but didn't notice the "you about to get got" tweet.

Anyway, by now most know that NY trading was suspended around 11:30 a.m. Wednesday due to what they called a "technical issue," which, funny enough they posted on twitter.

FPR Blog 27: Exposing The GMO Trade. Pesticides and Factory Farms.

There is more information about GMOs on the net than porn...

Well, maybe not more than porn, but there is more info on GMOs out now than ever before. Celebrities have even gotten behind the anti-GMO movement. Using their fortune, fame and influence some have even made it up to capitol hill.

So why isn't the media covering it?

FPR Blog 26: Major Government Contracted Spying Service Hacked. 400GB of Data Stolen

Another hack on the enemy...

Huge Italian private surveillance company, who deals in and with shady business, has been hacked.

'Hacking Team', is a private surveillance company who many governments, including ours (U.S.A.) buy intrusion and surveillance tools from.

Basically, they rent out hackers and spying tools.

In the United States, law enforcement agencies FBI, DEA and the DOD use the tools. Sorry, the DOD account reads 'Non-Active'.