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FPR Blog 41: Religion: Constitution vs Delusion.

There is something seriously wrong with my country, the United States.

Yes, it's cliche, but lately it's been harder to escape the fact that the masses are in fact stupid.

I seriously find myself daydreaming that I'm schizophrenic in the hopes that this is all a delusion.

I'm not trying to be mean. I don't like calling people stupid. At least not on my blog. I have no problem calling anyone anything if they are in fact what I am calling them.

For instance, I really hate the word sheeple, I think it's a bad way to get a mind to open up to other possibilities.

But, today, September 8, 2015, I have reached my breaking point.

There are many smart individuals and intelligent groups of people out there. There are experts in a variety of fields. But, for some reason when people come together in great masses to either oppose or support anything they become crash test dummies with anger issues.

The latest constitutional melee is over a county clerk, who was defying a supreme court ruling by denying gay and lesbian couples marriage licenses.

FPR Blog 40: Marriage Licenses Denied over Religious Beliefs. NOT IN MY COUNTRY!

Say what you want about the blatant disregard for our Constitution and trust me there is a lot to say. But, one thing that hasn't changed hasn't had an amendment attached or any type of political nonsense is religion, in government.

Religion can never play a role at any level of government for this very reason...

Kentucky's Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis doesn't think the constitution trumps god's word... She has decided to ignore the U.S. Supreme Court ruling declaring the constitutionality of same-sex marriages by not issuing same-sex couples licenses.

What is this mad woman's reason for such stupidity? Christian fanaticism. That's exactly what this train wreck is practicing. Worse is that she's using her position in local government to impose the laws of God, not man.