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FPR Blog 22: The Confederate Flag vs 50 stars and 13 bars.

So it's been reported that the federal government has told chain stores that they want them to stop selling the confederate flag.

I didn't know the government can just tell a store what they can or can't sell, but it's not like they're demanding ice cream be abolished.

I don't have mixed views on the issue of the confederate flag. To me, it's a symbol of hate, but to others it represents what they believe America should be like.

I don't agree with how confederates would run this country and let's pray that day never comes. But, I do believe they have the right to speak and express their beliefs.

FPR Blog 21: We Will Win the War on Us, non-violently. Example, Supreme Court's Ruling on Gay Marriage.

There is no "what now?"... The fight for "legal" equality for gays is over. Other than appeals and people's own issues with sex, the battle has been won.

My argument was never, 'people are people and all should be free to do what they wish as long as it hurts no one'. That shouldn't need to be said.

My argument was the farce that was "the sanctity of marriage". j-lo can marry 3 times in as many years. (I don't know how many years, but I don't care. I know all, but one were short lived) There was no outcry. Spears gets married twice, one of which lasted 30 days. All we got there was gossip...

The divorce rate is through the roof and that's just in marriages ending in 5 years. Again, not much is said, but Us weekly and TMZ make a fortune.

Two dudes want to get married and the entire country has an opinion, many of which were negative.

FPR Blog 20: Uh Oh, more leaks out of the National Security Agency...

Wikileaks wrote a press release on Tuesday, June 23, 2015, where it says WikiLeaks has begun publishing a collection of top secret intelligence reports and technical documents from the US National Security Agency.

These documents concern, targeting and signals intelligence intercepts of communications of high-level officials from successive French governments over the last ten years.

FPR Blog 19: An Unlikely Ally in the Fight Against the War on Drugs.

If you were a listener and reader of my previous, decade-long project, 'fjs radio', then you know how I feel about the war on drugs.

If you weren't and don't know, I'm not a fan.

Every year the war on drugs cost taxpayers, both state and federal, billions of dollars.

That is not an exaggeration...

There's a great website, Drug Sense, ( and the site has a clock that goes up by the second. It estimates that we've already spent $19 billion and it is still counting. The states spent more than the federal government by $5 billion.